2020 Mayoral Forum Replays

Published September 16th in Uncategorized

Thank you to the candidates, forum attendees, sponsoring neighborhoods, and especially Robley Jones for making the virtual forum a great success. There were 100 attendees on the direct Zoom webinar and another 185 watching the live stream on YouTube. For those that were not able to attend last night live (or for people who would like to re-watch) below are the links to the recordings of the forum. The content for YouTube stream and the webinar are the same but the webinar recording only shows the person speaking while the YouTube recording shows it as it appeared to most viewers by being able to see all of the candidates on one screen.

YouTube https://youtu.be/EKCqRyBuozM

Zoom Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/dLWuQGXuWArQUxiNBp58ifZTWp5mE31EEGjTWm4yjnN8wmjkL_BpEJRtgW34xXM.p0fgT5ARmE6wZS7p

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