Halloween Howl
Event Date: 10/25/15 at 1:00 pm
Location: Forest Hill Park, 41st Street
Halloween Howl
Canine Costume Parade and Games to benefit Ring Dog Rescue!
When: Sunday, October 25, 2015, 1:00 p.m.
Registration from 1:00-1:20
Games begin at 1:30
Parade and judging to follow games
Location: Forest Hill Park, 41st Street
circular drive in front of the Stone House
Event Details:
Owner/pet games and parade of neighborhood dogs in their Halloween costumes. Prizes awarded. If your pet has a special trick, be prepared to show it off!
No admission fee, but please consider making a donation to Ring Dog Rescue (ringdogrescue.com)
Ring Dog Rescue will be present at the event.
Hosted by:
The Friends of Forest Hill Park and the Friends of Forest Hill Park, Junior.