4th District Meeting- Meet the New Leaders

Event Date: 11/29/16 at 7:00 pm Location: Huguenot High School New Community Center; 7945 Forest Hill Avenue

The Honorable Kathy Graziano, Councilwoman, Richmond City Council, Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District, will hold a meeting for the Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District. Councilwoman Graziano typically holds individual meetings for the Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District quarterly throughout the year that include information on her goals and accomplishments; a topical agenda; and, special guests. These meetings are free and open to the public and all Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District residents are invited and encouraged to attend. The planned agenda for this meeting includes:

Welcome to the following:

  • Mr. Levar Stoney, Mayor-Elect, City of Richmond
  • Ms. Kristen Larson, Councilwoman-Elect, Richmond City Council, Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District
  • Mr. Jonathan Young, Trustee-Elect Richmond Public Schools Board of Trustees, Richmond Southwest 4th Voter District

WHEN Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

WHERE Richmond Public Schools – Huguenot High School New Community Center; 7945 Forest Hill Avenue (Please use entrance #26 from the west parking lot – center located at the north west corner of the building); Richmond, Virginia


This was lifted from the RVAhub.com article which can be found here: http://rvahub.com/2016/11/22/next-tuesday-councilwoman-kathy-graziano-hosting-4th-district-meeting/

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