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Household batteries: Rechargeable and non-rechargeable, alkaline, lithium, auto, AA, AAA, C, D, 9-volt
Where: AERC Recycling 3301 Rosedale Avenue, Richmond
When: 2nd Friday of each month: 9:00am – 3:00pm Fee: $0.75 a pound
(804) 550-1762
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Discarded tires or illegal dumping decorating your alley, neighborhood or roadsides?
To have abandoned tires and other illegally dumped items removed, call 311 and report the specific location for pick up.
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Disposing of Old Paint, Hazardous Waste and Tires at East Richmond Road Landfill
This service is free to Richmond residents who provide proof of residency, such as a valid driver’s license, utility bill or vehicle registration. The City’s Department of Public Works’ staff will assist residents with unloading and disposal of their waste materials.
The facility cannot accept fire extinguishers, asbestos, road flares, herbicides or pesticides, explosives or materials that are shock-sensitive, radioactive or infectious or waste items from commercial entities.
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Directions: The East Richmond Road Landfill is at 3800 E. Richmond Rd. Take I-64 East from Richmond. Exit at 193B and turn right onto Nine Mile Road. Before the second traffic light, turn right onto Evergreen Road (which becomes Stony Run Parkway). Then turn right onto East Richmond Road. Immediately look for landfill signage on the left.
Household hazardous waste items accepted at the facility include:
Solvents: mineral spirits, paint thinner, turpentine, acetone
Car fluids: motor oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze
Paints (20 gallons per month/per household limit): oil or latex, polyurethane, tung oil, stains, varnish, shellac,tints, lacquer thinner, paint reducers, primers, varsol
Car batteries – lead acid batteries only
Cooking oil
Fuels: gasoline, gasoline additives, #2 fuel oil, kerosene, diesel, chain saw fuel, motor boat fuel, oil additives
Propane tanks
Tires with no rims, free with a limit of 4. No off-road or oversized tires taken. Southside Transfer Center and East Richmond Road Landfill. Costs are as follows: $1 each for more than four passenger tires with DEQ permit
$5 each for tractor-trailer tires with DEQ permit
Fall Cleaning 2019
RVA Clean City Commission – DPW
RVA Stormwater Utility – DPW